Federal Agencies Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane #1471 Rockville, MD 20857 (800) 532-4400 or (301) 827-4420 http://www.fda.gov FDA Resources Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) (202) 690-7000 FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 200 C Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20204 (800) 332-4010 CFSAN website Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1400 Jefferson Drive, S.W. Washington, DC 20250 (202) 720-2791 http://www.usda.gov USDA Resources and Regulations Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) (202) 720-8217 http://www.fsis.usda.gov/ Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 (202) 260-2090 http://www.epa.gov Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents P.O. Box 371954 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 (202) 512-1800 http://www.access.gpo.gov Centers For Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30333 (404) 639-3311 http://www.cdc.gov American Public Health Association (APHA) 1015 15th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005-2605 (202) 789-5600 http://www.apha.org Codex Alimentarius Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy +39(6) 5705-1 Executive Officer for CODEX U.S. Codex Contact Point Safety and Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Room 11, West End Court Washington, DC 20250-3700 (202) 418-8852 [email protected] Food Production and Processing Resources American Farm Bureau Food Research Institute FedStats Biotechnology Resources Biotechnology Information Center Agricultural Biotechnology (BIO) Information Systems for Biotechnology |