InnoCal NIST-Traceable Calibration; Thermocouple Probe (Probe Only)

Representative image only.
InnoCal Item # WW-17001-10
NIST-traceable calibrations for temperature probes
  • Provides traceability to NIST
  • Lists the environmental conditions present at time of calibration
  • Certificate lists actual values, uncertainties, and tolerances
  • Regular calibration helps you meet ISO, EPA, GLPs/GMPs and other quality standards
  • Not an accredited certificate


₹34,000.00INR / Each


Specifications & Description

  • Calibration TypeTemperature
  • Probe Only CalibrationYes
  • Number Of Calibration Test Points4 points
  • Calibration Test PointsITS-90 points across the range unless specfied
  • Calibration Test Range-196 to 1300 C
  • DescriptionNIST-Traceable Calibration; Thermocouple Probe Only
NIST Traceable Calibration

Key Features

  • Provides traceability to NIST
  • Lists the environmental conditions present at time of calibration
  • Certificate lists actual values, uncertainties, and tolerances
  • Regular calibration helps you meet ISO, EPA, GLPs/GMPs and other quality standards
  • Not an accredited certificate

More About this Item

All calibration certificates contain as-found and as-left data, estimated measurement uncertainties (emu’s) and test uncertainty ratios (TUR’s) at no additional cost!
NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that the specific asset you purchase does in fact meet the manufacturer’s published specification. Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays. EPA, USDA, ISO and GLP/GMP standards require regular NIST-Traceable calibration of all test equipment being used in critical applications.

Calibrations on thermocouple probes are performed using direct comparison in high-stability liquid and dry baths using high-precision PRT’s and SPRT’s and displays. Measurements can be performed at four points between -197C and 1300C. Points are generally selected at standard ITS-90 points across the range of the probe but customer-specified points can be accommodated. This calibration is for the thermocouple probe only; if you want the probe calibrated with a meter as a system, see sku 17002-10.




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