BRAND® Disposable Fluorimetry Cuvettes

Four clear sides with 10 mm optical path to fit most standard fluorometers
  • Choose PS or special UV-transparent pastic with ultra-low auto-fluroescence
  • Mold cavity matched for consistency
BRAND® fluorimetry cuvettes are precision molded for best optical clarity and uniform thickness to optimize transmission while minimizing refraction. All cuvettes are packaged in low-dust, non-scratching, expanded polystyrene trays containing 100 mold-cavity matched cuvettes.
6,000.00 - ₹26,100.00INR / Pkg of 100

3 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Materials of Construction Min Wavelength (nm) Description
Availability Pricing
BRAND Macro Fluorimetry Cuvette, PS, 10 mm; 100/PK WW-06343-00 Mfr # 759030
Polystyrene 340 Fluorimetry Cuvette, PS, 10 mm; 100/PK
₹6,000.00INR / Pkg of 100
BRAND Macro Fluorimetry Cuvette, PS, 10 mm; 500/PK WW-06343-02 Mfr # 759035
Polystyrene 340 Fluorimetry Cuvette, PS, 10 mm; 500/PK
₹24,900.00INR / Pkg of 500
BRAND Macro Fluorimetry Cuvette, UV-Transparent Plastic, 10 mm; 100/PK WW-06343-04 Mfr # 759125
Polymer 230 Fluorimetry Cuvette, UV-Transparent Plastic, 10 mm; 100/PK
₹26,100.00INR / Pkg of 100
Showing 1- 3 of 3

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